
Product & Campaign

Concept / Product / Content

The Roland TR-808 drum machine is one of the most iconic musical instruments in modern music. Born in 1980, the sound of the machine became one of the most enduring in electronic music production, the sounds still used across the musical landscape today.

The 8th of August (808 day) has become a day of celebration to record the amazing contribution of the instrument to our musical culture. We decided that we wanted to create something to commemorate the occasion. 

We came up with the concept for a limited run beer, available for 808 day, that would embody the defining characteristics of the instrument, the Origin Workshop BR-808. The TR-808 was especially embraced by US musicians during the electronic music explosion in the 80s and 90s, with the distinctive booming sound of its kick drum becoming its most recognised trait.

The beer would need to reflect that and so the idea of An American style IPA with a Japanese Kick was born. Teaming up with brewers in the USA (Melvin), Japan (DevilCraft) and the UK (Mondo), we set about creating a recipe and getting brewing! At the same time we developed a product campaign that would include a promo film, print advertising, product design and 808 day events. 

For the film concept we decided to have some fun with the idea that the beer encapsulated the essence of the sound of the TR-808. We created a tongue in cheek promo showing the ‘development’ process of creating the beer.

We wondered, could bass alter the molecular structure of beer to create a better flavour? Could we create the ultimate ‘Japanese Kick’ by imbuing the beer with the sound of the TR-808 kick? We thought so. So we documented the beer’s development following the scientific analysis of the effect of sound waves on beer, vibrating hops with subsonic 808 bass as they grew at the farm and enlisting the electronic music pioneer A Guy Called Gerald to serenade the beer with beats as it brewed in the tanks at the brewery. 


Siemens - EV Corridor


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